In the Think Tank we like to talk about..

Tiles for swimming pools: 'made with' porcelain ideas for safe swimming
As an alternative to glass mosaic, porcelain is the most competitive material for tiling swimming pools and the surrounding area. Discover the latest in tiles for swimming pools which offer durability, a non-slip finish and safety.
Terrace flooring: expert tips for choosing the best outdoor flooring
Colorker Connect: the latest ceramic innovations in a virtual tour through Feria Valencia
How to decorate a restaurant: key points to ensure customers come back and try the food (and experience) again
Open kitchen-living rooms: the new ‘open-space concept’ which will open your mind (and space)
Hamilton: rustic style. Interiors inspired by nature
10 interior design trends in 2021 (according to the top predictors)
The Colorker Group confirms its commitment to Quality once again with AENOR certification under standard ISO 9001:2015
Modular Concept: just like stone. New layouts
Blue is the hue. Pantone selects 19-4052 Classic Blue as colour of the year for 2020.
Casa Decor backs Art Deco as a trend for 2020
Cooking with Colorker: Peru-Valencia Fusion
The Colorker Group returns to Cevisama!
Refurbishing your bathroom? Things you need to know before you start!
Dark floors? Make the most of your rooms